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About engies and pointy hats   
[ 48307 ] Mo Jun 07, 2021 9:06 am
Oy, @Inkawolke,

das hier ist unser RPG Thema. Ich werde hier später noch die Rohfassung von creator's island hochladen, damit du auch weißt, wie der Bumms aussieht. :D

Teilnehmende Charaktere:
- Six [engineer]
- Majar [mage]

- Kos

About engies and pointy hats Bg3-baldur-s-gate-3
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CupidAnführerInformationenAnzahl der Beiträge : 945
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Anmeldedatum : 20.06.20
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Re: About engies and pointy hats   
[ 48312 ] Mi Jun 09, 2021 12:01 pm
Majarus the Great

"   Wisdom is Power and frankly, I am very powerful. "
x magic blocked x

Ein merkwürdig leuchtender Riss zeichnete sich in die Luft hinein und spuckte eine Person aus, welche unsanft und mit Überschlag auf den Wiesenboden geschmissen wurde. Der Mann jedoch schien wenig beeindruckt von dem Aufprall, strich sich ein paar Haarsträhnen aus dem Gesicht und hievte sich dann auf die Beine.
Die Person war recht hochgewachsen und gekleidet in lilanen, hochwertigen Roben, passend zu den leuchtend violetten Echsenaugen. Eine Narbe zog sich einmal quer über die Nase und die rechte Wange. Die Zähne waren spitz, wie bei einem Raubtier.
Um beide Handgelenke war eine Art Metall-Ring, welcher im Sonnenlicht besonders schimmerte.

Majarus klopfte ein paar lose Grashalme und Staub von seiner Kleidung und wand den Blick zu dem Portal, durch welches er entkommen war. Der Riss war schon fast ganz verschwunden und wurde weiter kleiner. Fucking hell. Sowohl er, als auch Ten waren durch ein Portal von den Jägern flüchten können, allerdings machte es nicht den Anschein, dass Ten am gleichen Ort landen würde wie sein Lehrer. Tja, das kam davon, wenn man beim Zaubern mit schwarzer Magie nicht ordentlich war. Dennoch hatte der Schüler ihnen aus einer Notsituation geholfen, daher würde Majar ihm die Standpauke diesmal ersparen.
Naja, erstmal musste er den Kleinen finden. Majar betrachtete die Ringe an seinen Gelenken. Er war ehrlich gesagt ein wenig überrascht, dass die Menschen eine solche Apertur kreiert hatten. Wenn es darum ging zu zerstören, ging bei den Bauern dann doch manch eine Hirnzelle an.
Ohne seine Magie war seine Suche jedoch deutlich erschwert. Er musste einen Weg finden dieses Metall von seinen Armen zu bekommen. An den Fesseln war nur ein Gelenk und ein Schlitz auf der anderen Seite, wo im Inneren Haken ineinander griffen. Majar hatte nur einen kurzen Blick erhaschen können, bevor ihm die Fesseln angelegt wurden. Es sah nicht so aus, als ob eine Funktion zum Öffnen vorhanden wäre - war ja klar.
Selbst mit dem Messer ließ sich am Schlitz nichts bewegen. Das Gelenk würde sich eventuell brechen lassen, allerdings hatte der Magier ohne Werkzeuge keine Chance. Um es abzustreifen, müsste er sich wahrscheinlich die ganze Hand brechen, was ebenfalls kontra produktiv wäre. Majar ließ den Kopf in den Nacken fallen und seufzte genervt.
Hoffentlich kam Ten ohne ihn klar. Realistisch gesehen war sein Schüler ein wundervoller Survivalist und Kämpfer. Aber wenn sein Ende des Portals beispielsweise über einem Vulkan erschien, hatte selbst er schlechte Karten. Der Mann kratzte sich am Hals. Man muss ja nicht direkt vom Schlimmsten ausgehen.
Er stülpte sich die Kapuze über den Kopf und blickte sich um. Der erste Schritt war herauszufinden wo er überhaupt war, bis er eine Möglichkeit hatte die Fesseln loszuwerden.


About engies and pointy hats Harumaus-und-Rolo-ro
von Eule skjjsjkskjsksjjhdsjdhsjhdjs <33
• ☼ you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, please don't take my sunshine away ☼ •

Szenen & RelationsCandystore
About engies and pointy hats Cooltext457074922939120
TaeEhemalige AnführerinInformationenAnzahl der Beiträge : 5429
Pfotenspuren : 2071
Anmeldedatum : 15.07.18
Alter : 24

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Re: About engies and pointy hats   
[ 48336 ] Do Jun 10, 2021 2:00 pm
To see with eyes unclouded by hate.
#Creatorscut |      auf nem Boot

Eigentlich hätte es ein ganz normaler Tag auf diesem fliegenden Stein werden sollen, wäre da nicht ein gigantischer Riss im Himmel gewesen, der sonderbare Energie absonderte. Im ersten Augenblick dachten sie, es handelte sich hierbei um Shenanigans von gewissen mystischen Wesen, doch nachdem niemand mit erhobener Mistgabel auf sie zuflatterte, lag der Ursprung dieser Erscheinung offensichtlich wo anders. Um das Ding genauer zu untersuchen, schnappten sie sich eines der vielen Bote und paddelten darauf zu. Erst nachdem sich herausstellte, dass das Portal ihnen nicht den Hals umdrehte, wagten sie sich näher heran. Auch wenn diese Nähe die Baumgrenze bedeutete, aus welcher Six das Geschehen weiter beobachtete, lies es deren Herz schneller schlagen. Vielleicht handelte es sich hierbei um eine unbekannte Energiequelle, welche dazu verwendet werden kann, um weitere Boote zu produzieren! Oder vielleicht handelte es sich hierbei um das letzte Lebenszeichen der Gottheit!
Dass aber auf einmal ein Männchen aus dem Nebel auftauchte und genau so verwirrt schien, wie der Ingenieur selbst, ließ noch viel mehr Fragen offen. Aha? Ein Mensch, der sich teleportieren konnte? Eventuell könnte man sich diese Eigenschaft zu Nutze machen. Ups. Da drehte sich der Typ auch schon nach alle Seiten um, an seinen Händen seltsame... Armkettchen. Vielleicht Freundschafts...bänder? Keine Ahnung, er wirkte jedenfalls nicht wie ein Mensch, der besonders viele Freunde besaß. Das zumindest verrieten seine tiefen Sorgenfalten und der brennende Blick.

Ohne lange zu fackeln, nahm Six deren Vorschlaghammer in die Hand und schulterten diesen. Im Anschluss schlenderten sie betont entspannt auf die fremde Gestalt zu und musterten ihn von oben bis unten. Seltsame Kleidung die er da trug.
"Okay was zur Hölle... Sag mir, wie du aus Luft erscheinen kannst? Wer oder was bist du? Doch nicht etwa ein Dämon? Selbst die sehen netter aus."
Etwas bedrohend aber auch ehrlich interessiert, stützten sie sich auf dem Griff des Vorschlaghammers auf und beobachteten die Reaktionen dieses... Wesens. Im Grunde wirkte er ja menschlich, wäre da nicht die Tatsache, dass er gerade aus einem Riss gelatscht war und ihn das nicht sonderlich zu interessieren schien. Eines verriet es ihnen jedoch: Diese Masse war nicht lebensgefährlich, denn sonst hätte er dies wahrscheinlich nicht überlebt.
"Kommen da noch mehr von deiner Sorte?"

Angesprochen: Majar [@Inkawolke]
Erwähnt: //
code (c) Wächterstern | drawing (c) Inkawolke

About engies and pointy hats Bg3-baldur-s-gate-3
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CupidAnführerInformationenAnzahl der Beiträge : 945
Pfotenspuren : 373
Anmeldedatum : 20.06.20
Alter : 22

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Re: About engies and pointy hats   
[ 48361 ] Fr Jun 11, 2021 7:43 pm
Majarus the Great

"   Wisdom is Power and frankly, I am very powerful. "
x magic blocked x

Bei dem Blick auf den Horizont, konnte der Hexer auf kurze Distanz bereits das Meer erkennen. Irgendetwas an dieser Umgebung wirkte irgendwie ungewohnt. Klein. In der Ferne konnte er Silhouetten von kleinen Inseln sehen. Ob er wohl auch auf einer war? Why, that's fun-fucking-tastic.
Zumindest konnte er sich ein paar Notizen zum fremden Land machen. Wer weiß, vielleicht gab es hier ja neue Pflanzen oder Tiere zu entdecken.
Als der Mann gerade Buch und Stift aus der Tasche kramte, entdeckte er eine Figur zwischen ein paar Bäumen und er stoppte. Ein Mensch! They didn't see me come in through the portal though, right? "Sag mir, wie du aus Luft erscheinen kannst?" Anyway.
Majarus drehte seinen Körper zu der Person um und inspizierte sie kurz. Der Mensch trug Handwerker Klamotten, mit passendem Hammer in Schlepptau und sie waren wirklich scherzhaft klein. Der Fremde hatte krauses Haar und eine mehr als gebräunte Haut. Majar hatte ein paar mal Reisende aus sehr fernen Ländern getroffen, welche einen ähnliches Teint gehabt hatten. Wenn er tatsächlich so weit von England entfernt war, würde man hier wahrscheinlich nicht mal seinen Namen erkennen."Also wirklich, jetzt werde ich schon mit Dämonen verglichen! Ich bin eine Person wie ihr auch.", erwiderte der Magier. Man musste ja nicht direkt mit der Tür ins Haus fallen. Mit etwas Glück hatten die Leute hier noch nichts von Hexen gehört und dieser Zwerg würde die violetten Augen nicht zu sehr hinterfragen. Auch wenn es sein Ego schmerzte, sich selbst mit einem niederen Wesen zu vergleichen.
Er seufzte und warf einen kurzen Blick zu dem Portal hinter sich, welches nun komplett verschloss und verschwand. "Ich fürchte nicht." Vielleicht konnte er ja ein paar Infos aus diesem Menschlein raus bekommen. "Ihr wisst nicht zufällig wie weit von hier das römische Reich ist?"


About engies and pointy hats Harumaus-und-Rolo-ro
von Eule skjjsjkskjsksjjhdsjdhsjhdjs <33
• ☼ you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, please don't take my sunshine away ☼ •

Szenen & RelationsCandystore
About engies and pointy hats Cooltext457074922939120
TaeEhemalige AnführerinInformationenAnzahl der Beiträge : 5429
Pfotenspuren : 2071
Anmeldedatum : 15.07.18
Alter : 24

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Re: About engies and pointy hats   
[ 48392 ] Di Jun 15, 2021 11:34 am
To see with eyes unclouded by hate.
#Creatorscut |      auf nem Boot

Seine Sprechweise war... seltsam. Person? Normalerweise wird Six mit Geschlechterrollen konfrontiert, denen sie sich nicht annehmen wollten. Weeeeird duuuude. Dies waren sie definitiv nicht gewöhnt, ganz egal mit wem sie sprachen. Aber gut, dies sollte das geringste Problem sein, eher sollte sich der Ingenieur fragen, woher dieser Typ kam und weshalb er Handschellen anhatte. Oder zumindest etwas in dieser Art. Auch wenn er sich um ein einigermaßen freundliches Gesicht bemühte, trauten sie ihm noch nicht über den Weg. Eventuell könnte er einer von ihnen sein. Selbst der eigene Bruder war zur dunklen Seite gewechselt. Sie konnten froh sein, ihn nicht mehr getroffen zu haben, denn sie wussten nicht, wie sie darauf reagieren sollten. Von seiner Verwandlung hatten sie nur gehört, es war ein Gerücht, das durch das ganze Dorf fegte. Dennoch war es irgendwie zu erwarten gewesen, dass sich Valentine dem Versprechen nach Macht hingab, ganz egal welche Konsequenzen dies nach sich zog. Aus diesem Grund waren sie ihrem Gegenüber nicht unbedingt begeistert eingestellt.
"Mhm... Natürlich..."
Wie konnten sie nur davon ausgehen, oh neeein! Welch schweres Vergehen! Komischerweise schien der Mann aufrichtig verletzt durch diese Anschuldigung. Wobei verletzt vielleicht das falsche Wort war. Eher irritiert? Es fiel ihnen sehr schwer, den anderen richtig einzuschätzen, da er ihnen viele verschiedene Signale sendete. Man sollte nie jemanden aufgrund des Aussehens bewerten, doch Six tat genau dies. Mit seinem Outfit stach er aus der Menge heraus, weshalb die Frage offenblieb, woher er wirklich kam und was er hier wollte. War dies nur eine weitere Laune der Natur? Ein weiteres Wesen, welches sich in andere verwandeln konnte. Ohne etwas auf seine folgenden Sätze zu erwidern, packten die ihn am Unterarm. Normale Temperatur. Es brannte nicht. Seltsam.
"Du bist wirklich menschlich..."
Der Fremde seufzte auf, starrte das Portal an und fragte Six anschließend, ob sie wussten, wo das römische Reich lag. Huh? Römisches Reich? Das einzige, was es hier gab, war ein niemals endender Wald, ein Wasserfall und ein Arsch voll Steine in verschiedenen Farben und Formen. Aber von einem "römischen Reich" hatten sie noch nie gehört. Sprach der Schwarzhaarige etwa von der alten Welt? Man munkelt zumindest, dass es eine solche gegeben hatte, auch wenn es sich hierbei um ein Gerücht handelte. Nicht einmal die Dämonen wollten ihnen etwas darüber verraten. Aber eine dürre Bohnenstange scheinbar schon. Verarschen konnten sie sich auch selbst.
"Pass mal auf... Ich weiß nicht aus welchem Loch du gekrochen bist aber ich habe keine Lust auf dämliche Spielchen. Römisches Reich? Sehr witzig. Ich frage noch einmal freundlich: Wer bist du und woher kommst du?"
Mit diesen Worten umgriffen sie den Stiel des Vorschlaghammers und sahen ihn herausfordernd an. Vielleicht war er gefährlich.

Angesprochen: Majar [@Inkawolke]
Erwähnt: //
code (c) Wächterstern | drawing (c) Inkawolke

About engies and pointy hats Bg3-baldur-s-gate-3
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CupidAnführerInformationenAnzahl der Beiträge : 945
Pfotenspuren : 373
Anmeldedatum : 20.06.20
Alter : 22

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Re: About engies and pointy hats   
[ 48402 ] Di Jun 15, 2021 6:11 pm
Majarus the Great

"   Wisdom is Power and frankly, I am very powerful. "
x magic blocked x

Der Fremde musterte Majar misstrauisch. Eigentlich war er diese Blicke von Menschen gewöhnt, doch normalerweise ließ er es sich nicht so lange gefallen. Auch jetzt juckte es ihm in den Finger die Haare des Kleinen mit einem kleinen Blitz in Brand zu stecken. Ach, wenn er doch nur könnte. Scheiß Fesseln. Es war merkwürdig die eigene Macht nicht durch die Adern zu fließen fühlen. Als hätte man ihm die Fähigkeit zu Atmen genommen.
Dass er kein Dämon war, schienen sie Majar nicht ganz abzukaufen, zumindest klangen sie nicht überzeugt. Menschen würden auch alles als Dämon bezeichnen. Der Knirps hatte doch gar keine Vorstellung davon wie ein echter Dämon aussah. Spoiler - es ist das Unmenschlichste was Mutter Natur sich hatte ausdenken können.
Andererseits, vielleicht war es doch besser für einen Dämonen gehalten zu werden, als eine Hexe.
Plötzlich und ohne zu fragen packte der kleine Mensch nach seinem Arm aus... Gründen? Majar zog schlagartig die Hand weg und fast hätte er dem Verlangen nachgegeben der Person noch eine zu knallen. "I beg your fucking pardon?? Das ist Seide, for fucks sake.", zischte er und wischte angewidert den Ärmel ab. Urgh, filthy humans! May they crawl around in the dirt all day long, but they should keep it to themselves.
Er machten einen Schritt zurück, damit der Mensch nicht mehr in "Grabsch-Reichweite" war. Das Menschlein stellte erneut Fragen und umgriff dabei den Griff des Hammers. Lachhaft. Majar konnte sich nicht vorstellen, dass sie diese Waffe überhaupt anheben könnten. Das römische Reich sagte dem Fremden wohl nichts, sie wurden geradezu aggressiv. Also ob Majarus hier der Wahnsinnige wäre. Aber na schön, vielleicht konnten sie ihm anders von Nutzen sein.
"Mein Name ist Majarus. Ich komme aus dem Mercia Königreich, auch wenn ich bezweifle, dass ihr damit vertraut seid", antwortete er mit verschränkten Armen.


About engies and pointy hats Harumaus-und-Rolo-ro
von Eule skjjsjkskjsksjjhdsjdhsjhdjs <33
• ☼ you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, please don't take my sunshine away ☼ •

Szenen & RelationsCandystore
About engies and pointy hats Cooltext457074922939120
TaeEhemalige AnführerinInformationenAnzahl der Beiträge : 5429
Pfotenspuren : 2071
Anmeldedatum : 15.07.18
Alter : 24

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Re: About engies and pointy hats   
[ 48410 ] Mi Jun 16, 2021 12:49 pm
To see with eyes unclouded by hate.
#Creatorscut |      vor Majar

Blitzschnell zog der Fremde die Hand zurück als hätte Six ihn verbrannt. Irritiert sahen sie ihn nur an während er ihnen Worte des Hasses entgegenspieh. Unbeeindruckt musterten sie ihn. Was war denn bitte sein Problem? Sie hatten ihn nur leicht berührt, nicht einmal verletzt und da machte er gleich einen solchen Aufstand? Weil sie Seide berührt hatten? Ernsthaft? Diese Reaktion grenzte beinahe an Lächerlichkeit und zeigte ihnen, dass er nichts anderes zu fürchten hatte, als dass seine wertvolle Kleidung beschmutzt werden könnte. Nein, er war definitiv nicht von hier, denn hier gehörte Blut, Schweiß und Tränen zum täglichen Geschäft. Ob da die Kleidung dreckig wurde, war nebensächlich, denn immerhin mussten sie sich alles hart erkämpfen. Ganz egal ob es dabei um Platz ging, Beute zu jagen oder einfach nur mit den mystischen Kreaturen zu leben.
"Du bist ja zimperlich."
Es stellt sich die Frage, wie dieser Arsch hier alleine zurechtkommen wollte, wenn er schon bei einer menschlichen Berührung das Kotzen bekam. Hoffentlich tat sich unter ihm bald ein Schlund auf, der ihn verschlingen würde, denn sonst wussten sie nicht, was sie mit ihm anfangen sollten. Böser Blick und arrogante Persönlichkeit, soll er doch bleiben wo der Pfeffer wächst. Sie hatten wichtigeres zu tun als diesem Weirdo zu helfen. Zumindest sprach er. Brabbelte etwas von einem Merica Königreich und stellte sich als Majarus vor. Dämlicher Name, so ganz anders als die, die sie bereits kannten. Inzwischen dachten sie, dass hier mehr im Busch war als zunächst angenommen.
"Na gut, Prinzessin. Hast du eine Ahnung wie du nach Metrica zurückkommst? Ich denke wohl kaum, dass es dir bei uns Bauern gefallen wird."
Spöttisch spitzen sie die Lippen und starrten den anderen abfällig ab. Römisches Reich? Königreich Merica? Entweder hatte er einen Sprung in der Schüssel oder ein Wesen erlaubte sich einen Witz. Wer auch immer es war, es sollte nicht das Gleichgewicht dieser Insel in Gefahr bringen, denn sonst wird Six verdammt sauer.
"Ich hoffe ehrlich, du bist nur auf der Durchreise. Wir können Störenfriede in diesem Moment ech nicht gebrauchen."

Angesprochen: Majar [@Inkawolke]
Erwähnt: //
code (c) Wächterstern | drawing (c) Inkawolke

About engies and pointy hats Bg3-baldur-s-gate-3
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CupidAnführerInformationenAnzahl der Beiträge : 945
Pfotenspuren : 373
Anmeldedatum : 20.06.20
Alter : 22

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Re: About engies and pointy hats   
[ 48411 ] Mi Jun 16, 2021 1:47 pm
Majarus the Great

"   Wisdom is Power and frankly, I am very powerful. "
x magic blocked x

Der kleine Mensch reagierte genervt auf Majars Aktion und nannte ihn zimperlich. Der Magier rümpfte die Nase. Zimperlich nicht, aber angepisst. How would /you/ react if I grabbed your arm, cunt? Zumindest beruhte ihre Geringschätzung auf Gegenseitigkeit.
Ugh, Majar erinnert sich, warum er sich sonst nicht mit Menschen unterhielt. So furchtbar nervtötend. Sollen sie sich in ihren Kriegen doch bitte alle ab metzeln. Oder an einer kleinen Erkältung sterben.
Das Menschlein schien genauso wenig von Majarus zu halten und war doch ziemlich direkt damit, dass er sich vom Acker machen soll. Na, dann hatten sie schonmal ein gemeinsames Ziel.
Immerhin konnte diese Töle sich vernünftig äußern und versuchte nicht durch Blumen oder zusammen gebissene Zähne zu reden. Ein bisschen erinnerten sie ihn an Ten. Kleiner Körper, große Klappe, ja, das kam hin. Ihnen fehlte jetzt nur noch ein Messer und die Wut einer tausend Sterne.
Als 'Prinzessin' hatten sie ihn bezeichnet. Haha, wie ironisch.
"Du hast Glück, Zwerg. Sobald ich diese scheiß Fesseln von den Händen hab, bin ich weg von hier." Er grinste den Mensch mit spitzen Zähnen an. "Wenn ihr mir helft, werdet ihr mich schneller los. Ihr seht aus, als würdet ihr handwerkliche Instrumente besitzen."
Auch wenn es ihn eigentlich nicht interessieren sollte, so war der Hexer doch ein wenig neugierig, welche Probleme die Menschen dieses Land wohl haben mochten? Oft waren es alberne Sorgen der Niederen, arme Ernte, wenig Regen, Wölfe die das Vieh fressen. Über die großen Sachen dachten sie gar nicht nach. Das Spannendste was in einem Menschen Leben passieren konnte, war wenn ein Lindwurm das Dorf überflog.
Irgendwie war es niedlich, fast schon wünschenswert so einfach zu sein. Trotzdem würde Majarus selbst niemals so leben wollen.


About engies and pointy hats Harumaus-und-Rolo-ro
von Eule skjjsjkskjsksjjhdsjdhsjhdjs <33
• ☼ you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, please don't take my sunshine away ☼ •

Szenen & RelationsCandystore
About engies and pointy hats Cooltext457074922939120
TaeEhemalige AnführerinInformationenAnzahl der Beiträge : 5429
Pfotenspuren : 2071
Anmeldedatum : 15.07.18
Alter : 24

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Re: About engies and pointy hats   
[ 48505 ] Mo Jun 28, 2021 5:03 pm
To see with eyes unclouded by hate.
#Creatorscut |      on a ship

The look this weirdo gave them would have sent chills down anyones spine, however, Six remained unfazed. With a tight grip around their beloved wrench they shot a glance back which could only be seen as being provoking, at worst disrespectful. Too bad that this man wasn't an animal because then they would have treated him with almost loving care, motherly almost. But at the end of the day "Majarus" was just another dirty looking man with a look in his eyes that was so fiece, it could cut ice. After their admittedly short-lived conversation, the black haired guy appeared even more annoyed. Six almost formed their lips to a slight pout. They didnt think it was possible for his expression to turn even grimmer and yet here we are. At this point they seriously contemplated on whether he was kicked out from whereever the fuck he came from due to him being a douchebag, well, at least this would explain the shackles around his wrists and gave them a certain feeling of satisfaction, which they smugly noticed, hiding away their obvious grin.
And yet this sensation of a secret triumph was washed away by his almost soothing voice. He said, he would vanish again as soon as he got rid of his shackles and out of all people, Six should help him with his escape. Playfully they raised one eyebrow and punished the man with an almost painful silence. A foreigner wants their help when he could certainly be one of them? At this point the engineer wasnt sure if Majarus was just laughably daring or immensely stupid. Sure, they would help him if it wasnt for his cockyness and attitude. A few minutes have passed already, yet Six never gave him the satisfaction to break the silence and further relieve the tension. If their brother wasnt such a disgrace they could have asked him if he has seen this man before. Endless thoughts went through their head but they never came to a conclusion which is why they walked up to him, grabbed his shackles and dragged him to their boat nearby.
"I am still not sure about who or what you are. Why shouldnt I just throw you into the abyss to see what happens?"
An empty threat indeed, a secret test in fact. His reaction should tell them exactly what his true motives were.

Angesprochen: Majar [@Inkawolke]
Erwähnt: //
code (c) Wächterstern | drawing (c) Inkawolke

About engies and pointy hats Bg3-baldur-s-gate-3
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CupidAnführerInformationenAnzahl der Beiträge : 945
Pfotenspuren : 373
Anmeldedatum : 20.06.20
Alter : 22

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Re: About engies and pointy hats   
[ 48508 ] Mo Jun 28, 2021 6:35 pm
Majarus the Great

"   Wisdom is Power and frankly, I am very powerful. "
x magic blocked x

In response to Majarus' offer, the small human just raised an eyebrow and starred at them. The witcher thought they would just be taking a second to ponder, slow as human brains were, however the dwarf was pulling their mind break into more than a small moment. With every second that passed Majar's bloodlust grew a little more, his charming smile had long faded. He was not known to a patient man, and this whole conversation had already been a stretch of his limits. His own student would've laughed at the level of politeness he had shown this fucking human. Had the twerp only known who he is, they'd be cowering in the dirt, begging for mercy and offering all their gold.
Had this not been the only person in sight, he would have already choked the life out of them. The audacity was unbe-fucking-lievable. At the two minute mark he was done for with their ridiculous game. "Did you see a fucking gorgon or why-", he started, but got promptly interrupted by the creature once again reaching for his arm and trying to pull him along. Him, a 1.9m tall man, was not gonna get pulled anywhere by this burnt down candlestick. "Stop it with the grabby hands!", the witcher exclaimed and swatted their hand away like it was a fly, adding a "for fucks sake" under his breath. He can walk well by himself.
The human lead him to a boat at the shore of the island, saying something about an abyss and voicing their continuous distrust.
Majarus rolled his eyes with a sigh. Could they not just do what they're told? Tiring.
Upon reaching the boat, the man noticed something odd about the sea. Being that it looked more like... a sky? He took a look at the little one, but they didn't seem confused by it at all. He took a step closer (far enough away from the stranger, so they wouldn't push him) to take a look and indeed - this island was floating in the middle of the sky! And there was no ground to be seen. How high up were they? "... huh." He got a safe distance to the edge again and took out his notebook to write down the discovery. Very interesting indeed. A floating island! He had never seen this before. To be fair, he had never checked out the skies for any rocks. Was this a secret land? He glanced back at the person next to him. Were they even human? There was nothing that suggested otherwise. "Hey. Where are we?", he asked, ignoring their question from earlier. This was much more important!


About engies and pointy hats Harumaus-und-Rolo-ro
von Eule skjjsjkskjsksjjhdsjdhsjhdjs <33
• ☼ you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, please don't take my sunshine away ☼ •

Szenen & RelationsCandystore
About engies and pointy hats Cooltext457074922939120
TaeEhemalige AnführerinInformationenAnzahl der Beiträge : 5429
Pfotenspuren : 2071
Anmeldedatum : 15.07.18
Alter : 24

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Re: About engies and pointy hats   
[ 48514 ] Di Jun 29, 2021 11:20 am
To see with eyes unclouded by hate.
#Creatorscut |      on a ship

The more they looked at Majarus "the great" (more like "the cunt"), the more he reminded them of an animal, a pathetic excuse to appeal to Six' own morals probably. However, the engineer doesnt think that he possesses this seemingly huge amount of human decency that is. So far he has presented himself as an arrogant bastard whom took great pride in his clothes and as someone who is deadly afraid of hands for whatever reason. Oh dear, this person wont even last a day on creators island even if he tried. A community is the strongest weapon in this place but so far "the cunt" is doing a marvelous job with positioning himself as an outsider that will be disliked. Must be a character trait of his. Six just shook their head. These negative thoughts must stop at once or else they will turn into Valentine himself which further means straying away from gods light and all that is good.
Of course they ignored the protests of the black haired man and also the attempt of swatting away their hands. In response to his tantrum they only tightened their grip and yanked on his shackles. Who does he think he is? An intruder at best, an enemy at worst. All he has is the audacity to demand help and yet behave like a toddler with more arrogance a body could ever fit. Oh yes, they really scores first price this time. When they reached the boat, Majar still throwing a temper tantrum and cursing his head off, Six still not caring, at this point slightly annoyed, the mage finally shut the hell up, then leaned over the wooden boat just to be greeted by nothingness.
"Just as I thought, dumbass."
With childlike faszination Majar pulled a small notepad out of his pocket to scribble something down. However, Six wont give him the satisfaction to write in peace, instead the whistled once to signal their crew members that they are ready for take off. In the next second the construction flew in the air, the wood moaning and creaking with every inch they rose.
"You still havent answered my question."
At this point the man was forced to look up, not to answer their provoking question but to ask another. He wanted to know what this island was called. Does he even know anything?
"Creators island."

Angesprochen: Majar [@Inkawolke]
Erwähnt: //
code (c) Wächterstern | drawing (c) Inkawolke

About engies and pointy hats Bg3-baldur-s-gate-3
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CupidAnführerInformationenAnzahl der Beiträge : 945
Pfotenspuren : 373
Anmeldedatum : 20.06.20
Alter : 22

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Re: About engies and pointy hats   
[ 48520 ] Di Jun 29, 2021 3:15 pm
Majarus the Great

"   Wisdom is Power and frankly, I am very powerful. "
x magic blocked x

For their size, the poofhead had a surprisingly tight grip. Majar could've stabbed their hand with his knife, but that probably would've drastically lowered the chance of them helping him, so for the moment he endured the prisoner treatment with a quiet sigh. The humiliation was exasperating, however the purple-eyed one needed to check if his student was alright as soon as possible. Either these humans would help him or set him on fire regardless. It's a risk he would need to take. He looked at the other people on the ship. So far the little one had not caught on to what he was, they didn't even assume for him to be a witcher, but he could not be sure about the sailors. They starred at him of course, but it didn't resemble the eyes of contempt he would get in any other human village. More confusion and curiosity. By Elim, if any of them touch me too, I am jumping off this wicked island.

Eventhough Majarus was obviously busy, his new companion insisted on having their question answered. He rolled his eyes with a sigh. It's a stupid question. What's gonna happen? Gravity, that's what. He already missed Ten's company.
"I can tell you what's gonna happen, human. My body shattering on the ground, or the sea or whatever godforsaken fucking piece of earth we are floating above. So I would appreciate if you didn't-" Before he go to finish his sentence the boat shook and set itself into motion. But not in a boat-kind-of way. The mage stopped and looked around. Were they- flying? "Al yedi elim"*, he mumbled to himself in disbelief. Were these witches afterall? But this was beyond a normal witches power. Blackmages? No, then the dwarf would've recognized what he was. Perhaps the boat was being carried by a lindwurm. He couldn't see the lower site of the boat from here, so it could be possible, but the thought of a tamed elemental just sounded too unlikely to be true.
He looked back at the engineer for answers. They called this place "creator's island". An interesting name, he wrote it down, but unfortunately it didn't tell him a whole lot about what was happening here. "What spell is this?", he asked the little captain, hoping they would explain how it worked.

*"by the gods" in hebrew


About engies and pointy hats Harumaus-und-Rolo-ro
von Eule skjjsjkskjsksjjhdsjdhsjhdjs <33
• ☼ you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, please don't take my sunshine away ☼ •

Szenen & RelationsCandystore
About engies and pointy hats Cooltext457074922939120
TaeEhemalige AnführerinInformationenAnzahl der Beiträge : 5429
Pfotenspuren : 2071
Anmeldedatum : 15.07.18
Alter : 24

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Re: About engies and pointy hats   
[ 48537 ] Do Jul 01, 2021 1:22 am
To see with eyes unclouded by hate.
#Creatorscut |      on a ship

For once the silence was enjoyable, it washed over them like a wave of peace which could not be ignored. Mister Smartypants took the opportunity to stare at their greasy crewmembers, potentially cowering in fear already of those scary "grabby hands". Six still does not understand his issue with simple hands but they will not go as far as to actually ask for his reasons behind his strange behaviour. Part of them already knew they will not get an useful answer out of him which is why they chose not to waste their breath on this topic. When they pressed for an answer again, this fuckass just rolled with his eyes. At this point the captain really wanted to throw him off this forsaken island. So far he has shown nothing but attitude and weird jagged teeth, probably trying to impress local residents as if they have not seen enough curiousities already. Damnit, angels and demons exist here, as well as mixed creatures. Some could fly, some could bite, others resembled nature and they all came in different shapes and forms, Majar would be no exception.
However, the witcher (even though they did not know he was one, they always just assumed he was either an angel or a human) finally gave them an answer, a laughable one. He would shatter on the ground? Or drown in the sea? Six chuckled, not even trying to hide their amusement. Okay, he was obviously not from this place, not even from this earth and by far no creature that ever roamed these lands. Long time ago one of the residents really dared to take the plunge only to find himself falling for an eternity. Legend has it that he was saved by something that can only be described as an ancient being with enormous wings. However, people did not believe this story as the guy in question was on the brink of death and could have hallucinated this whole odeal. But it still leaves one thing in the open: How did he get back on the island if it was not for some supernatural power? Giant being or angel, it does not matter but he saw the sad truth, the nothingness that awaits those who choose to fall.
"That is cute. You really think this place is that forgiving, hm?"
On second thought maybe they should really toss him over board just to see if this rat is able to open another rift in order to save his own ass. Before Majar could finish his sentence however, the boat started to float and shut him up permanently. In utter confusion he turned to them and asked them which spell they used. Spell? A lot of spit and hardwork to keep this baby going but if they were able to shit magic out of their ass then this whole thing would be a breeze. What a pessimistic thought, Valentine would have been proud.
"You see, I think we might have gotten up on the wrong foot. You are on creators island, a place with no goal, no sense of time and certainly no magic, well at least not how you imagine it, I think. The abyss is well... a hole to nothingness. There is no such thing as a sea or rock bottom you might hit. If I throw you down there, chances are that you will starve to death."
Should they really use this opportunity to...
"This place is filled with what I would like to call life essence. We were probably all born from it, at least that is what I think. And with this life essence which is emitted by a god we are able to float around freely. Some creatures can make use of this essence, or magic, however you want to call it. That is why I thought you were an angel."

Angesprochen: Majar [@Inkawolke]
Erwähnt: //
code (c) Wächterstern | drawing (c) Inkawolke

About engies and pointy hats Bg3-baldur-s-gate-3
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CupidAnführerInformationenAnzahl der Beiträge : 945
Pfotenspuren : 373
Anmeldedatum : 20.06.20
Alter : 22

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Re: About engies and pointy hats   
[ 48538 ] Do Jul 01, 2021 2:29 am
Majarus the Great

"   Wisdom is Power and frankly, I am very powerful. "
x magic blocked x

The small human was barley taking seriously what Majarus the Great was saying, yes, they even laughed at him. For a split second he contemplated if he should throw them off the ship before they did. However following his question about the boat they finally dropped their shit-eating grin and started explaining.
They spoke of truly peculiar things, but eventually Majar was getting an idea of what in the circles of hell was going on here. The abyss.. life essence. Concepts he had never heard of before, yet Majar appraised himself as outstandingly knowledgeable when it came to the world and how it worked. Although he had never rejected the idea of alternate universes, till now it had been an reality so absurdly far out of reach, that there had been no point in pursuing the study of it.
To think that Ten might've opened a portal to such a universe by accident. Fascinating! The whole ordeal suddenly got a lot more interesting and Majar's eyes lit up in excitement. He however tried to contain the inquisitiveness in his voice for now. Despite his fresh discovery, he could not be sure of his safety just yet, at least when it came to these humans. Who knows what other new dangers this world could house? "I see. That explains things. Are you not familiar with witches then?"


About engies and pointy hats Harumaus-und-Rolo-ro
von Eule skjjsjkskjsksjjhdsjdhsjhdjs <33
• ☼ you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, please don't take my sunshine away ☼ •

Szenen & RelationsCandystore
About engies and pointy hats Cooltext457074922939120
TaeEhemalige AnführerinInformationenAnzahl der Beiträge : 5429
Pfotenspuren : 2071
Anmeldedatum : 15.07.18
Alter : 24

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Re: About engies and pointy hats   
[ 48607 ] Di Jul 06, 2021 12:26 am
To see with eyes unclouded by hate.
#Creatorscut |      on a ship

Without any warning Majarus The Great turned into a puppy dog, or at least this is what his eyes hinted at. After they finished their explanation the light in his eyes was set ablaze and glowed with passionate fury, completely different from the image he tried to create when they first met. One can say he burnt with child-like curiousity, always eager to catch new creepy crawlies and explore the world. This exact look in his eyes reminded them of their own, their passion for nature and drive to understand what truly happened to this world. Maybe he was not so bad after all, even if they hate to admit that in the end they were similar in this regard.
His next question baffled the engineer. Witches? For a moment they narrowed their eyes in order to think about possible mentions of these... witches. So far they have only heard of angels and demons which used to rule the world, well, they looked after humanity at least, this is what they said but Six is not sure if they should really believe their worlds. In the end they do not have much of a choice.
"What the hell are witches?"

Angesprochen: Majar [@Inkawolke]
Erwähnt: //
code (c) Wächterstern | drawing (c) Inkawolke

Writing this post in a delusion tbh.

About engies and pointy hats Bg3-baldur-s-gate-3
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CupidAnführerInformationenAnzahl der Beiträge : 945
Pfotenspuren : 373
Anmeldedatum : 20.06.20
Alter : 22

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Re: About engies and pointy hats   
[ 48609 ] Di Jul 06, 2021 2:07 am
Majarus the Great

"   Wisdom is Power and frankly, I am very powerful. "
x magic blocked x

Majarus could see the small one's eyes squint under the frizzy hair-do. He almost anticipated a switch to click in the minds of the humans, at which point his days were numbered, because he had no defence and there was no way off this ship, other than making friends with an eternal nothingness.
The human's confusion was a relief. He exhaled softly. "So that's a 'no'. Well then-" The sorcerer straightened his back and took on a decorous stance with arms crossed behind him, as if he was a prince that's about to introduce himself. "You wanted to know what I am. I'm a witcher. Excuse my suspicion earlier, but where I am from, your kind does not react kindly to mine. And I am currently in a compromised state, due to.. these." He held up his wrist. "The fact that I somehow ended up here is nothing short of a miracle. I'd be interested in learning more about this world, however there's something I need to take care of first." Afterall, Majarus couldn't go exploring and leave his student in the dark in the meantime. Perhaps he could even transport him here too? It might take some time to work out the spell though. "My offer still stands. If you help me get the shackles off, I'll be out of your face. Whadd'ya say, -.. ?" He paused for a moment. "You haven't told me your name yet." Not that he had been particularly interested in a mere human's name until now, but he also did not want to call them 'short one' if they were gonna be around for long. It's just a mouthful.
Of course Majarus the Great was not immediately fond of humans, just because these didn't wanna kill him. To him they were still rather simple-minded creatures. But he was willing to cooperate for a while, if it meant release of the awful metal chains. The tiny human in front of him even seemed to have a braincell. Maybe even two.


About engies and pointy hats Harumaus-und-Rolo-ro
von Eule skjjsjkskjsksjjhdsjdhsjhdjs <33
• ☼ you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, please don't take my sunshine away ☼ •

Szenen & RelationsCandystore
About engies and pointy hats Cooltext457074922939120
TaeEhemalige AnführerinInformationenAnzahl der Beiträge : 5429
Pfotenspuren : 2071
Anmeldedatum : 15.07.18
Alter : 24

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Re: About engies and pointy hats   
[ 48960 ] So Aug 15, 2021 1:19 pm
To see with eyes unclouded by hate.
#Creatorscut |      on a ship

They are still not entirely sure if they are able to tolerate this... manthing or if they would like to throw him over the cliff just to hear his sweet, sweet screams piercing through the air. He can be damn glad that they are not of the violent kind, instead they show patience and try to listen, somewhat at least (that is what they are telling themselves, patting their own back). From one moment to the other, the witcher has swapped his stance, now straightened his back, wearing unknown determination in his eyes. Strange. He explained he was a witcher. A goddamn witcher. Just when they thought they had seen everything on this island... But suddenly there was a rift and out came a strange manthing, pointy ears and a bad attidude. Due to this occurence, they did not even bat an eye, just nodded. Apparently witchers exist, not in this world but somewhere else. Six would love to bet their whole flock that no one on this island has ever heard of this... race? Mythical creature? They are not quite sure what to call him exactly, they better stick to manthing; not quite human but also not a monster.
"Then why the hell are you in shackles? Did you piss someone off greatly or whats the deal with them?"
They obviously could not contain the slightly humoured sparkle in their eyes. Is he at their mercy? Most certainly. He offers to piss off if Six helps him escape. A slight smirk appears on their wide lips, giving them a superior look.
"You see... I do not have to go through the trouble of helping you to get rid of you. I could simply throw you over board and it is over and done with."
In the meantime Six sat down on one end of the boat, their eyes fixating Majar hungry for knowledge. Before they voiced their request - more like command - they leaned forward in anticipation almost eagerly licking their lips.
"But alas we have had this conversation already. The name is Six Williams, captain of this ship, captain of many. Before we go and explore the issue with this rift together like a couple of besties, I would like to know more about witchers. What are they? What do they do? Why are they disliked by humans?"

Angesprochen: Majar [@Inkawolke]
Erwähnt: //
code (c) Wächterstern | drawing (c) Inkawolke

About engies and pointy hats Bg3-baldur-s-gate-3
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CupidAnführerInformationenAnzahl der Beiträge : 945
Pfotenspuren : 373
Anmeldedatum : 20.06.20
Alter : 22

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Re: About engies and pointy hats   
[ 48989 ] Di Aug 17, 2021 10:18 pm
Majarus the Great

"   Wisdom is Power and frankly, I am very powerful. "
x magic blocked x

While explaining the circumstances, Majarus glanced down at the small person, however most of their features were hidden behind the hair. Eventhough Majar was not know for his pristine people-reading skills, he still wished that he could see their eyes a little clearer. Perhaps it was a thing among witches or black mages, but he felt that looking into someone's eyes could give a lot of information about them, be that magical or personality. Transparent as the captain may appear to be, it still urked the tall man.
The humans asked why the mage had been shackled and seemingly they thought that it was pretty funny too. Majar narrowed his brows slightly. You jest are lucky that I am wearing them. "The mere fact that I am alive is enough to have the hunters foaming at the mouth of anger. Though unlike for most witches, their threat is not big enough to let it get in way of my plans. These shackles were their attempt at capturing me." Obviously Majar was not going to lead onto how much of a threat these shackles were for him. To maintain his pride but also to not give the sailor any false ideas. Though judging from their shit-eating grin, they were already getting those without provoking. He responded to their smirk with a warning squint of the purple eyes.
Unfortunately it seemed like the stranger had seen through the little loophole in the witcher's offer. Majarus crossed his arms and growled quietly to himself. Of course he was aware of this, however he had counted on the human's simple-minded thinking to do the work for him. His gaze shifted to the side for a moment, as he was procrastinating to say his response. "Urgh. Fine. If you help me, I'll help you with something in return too. My powers are very versatile, I am certain there's something I can assist you with." He obviously wasn't excited to proclaim the compromise. Worst of all, Majarus wasn't even to seal the deal, to make sure the cocky one would be sticking to their part.
The human introduced themselves as Six Willaims, which was a strange name in Majar's opinion, and immediately followed up with a bunch of demanding questions about witches. Majar scoffed audibly and tapped on the ground with his foot. "A little nosy, don't you think?", he said but still continued to answer their questions. After all this was an opportunity to share/show off his knowledge. "First of all, the plural is 'witches'. Witcher is the male form only. As for the rest- We're similar to humans, but with the difference that we possess magical abilities, are naturally smarter and are more likely to exhibit unusual physical traits, such as my eyecolor, for example. However there aren't many of us. Most witches live isolated and hidden away from the humans, sometimes even in small groups. Those who are able to, might even live among humans, hoping to not get caught." He shrugged. "I don't know if there's one specific reason for the hatred. I think they are mostly scared of our power. Or 'the unknown' if you will. It's been like this for as long as I can remember." Sad as that telling might sound, Majar wasn't being sentimental about it. When he was a child, the nuns at the monastery would already look at him with fear and resentment and call him a 'devil child' eventhough at that point he had only received violence. That's just kinda how the world worked. Humans were scared easily and when they are, they turn into wild animals, who growl and bite without reason. But only if you give them enough time to think of an action. Surely no farmer will run for their pitchfork anymore, once their house and wife is on fire.


About engies and pointy hats Harumaus-und-Rolo-ro
von Eule skjjsjkskjsksjjhdsjdhsjhdjs <33
• ☼ you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, please don't take my sunshine away ☼ •

Szenen & RelationsCandystore
About engies and pointy hats Cooltext457074922939120
TaeEhemalige AnführerinInformationenAnzahl der Beiträge : 5429
Pfotenspuren : 2071
Anmeldedatum : 15.07.18
Alter : 24

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Re: About engies and pointy hats   
[ 49153 ] Do Sep 09, 2021 10:20 am
To see with eyes unclouded by hate.
#Creatorscut |      on a ship

The witcher still tries to depict strength in his words whereas his slim figure seems to promise that one punch may send him flying. Sure, Six was not the strongest person on earth but one of their fellow ship men might be able to send him over the edge. Alone this thought seemed to push the corners of their mouth slightly upwards. They thanked the heavens that this man could not see their eyes or otherwise he would have seen sparkles of blatant schadenfreude.
"Ah, you say you are oh so powerful... Then just burst the shackles and go on your merry way, will ya?"
A shit eating grin appeared on their face, accompanied with a smug look in their eyes the witcher still could not see. Does not strike them as foam-inducing if this excuse of a person is trapped on an island with their shackles still on. In their book these "hunters" very well succeeded and yet they thought Majar may share a different opinion on this touchy subject. As the purple eyes guy squinted his eyes in disbelief, Six just lifted their hands defensively.
"I am kidding, I am kidding, relax. I said I was going to help you, don't piss ya pants, big boy."
Dear god, what did they get into? A silent voice nudged them to get far far away from this person even though as for right now he seems rather calm and collected, friendly even. If it was not for their constant threats that is.

"Oh mercy me, I will be enternally grateful, my powerful sorcerer, my mighty Mister Grumpypants."
Partially ignoring him, Six directed the ship in another direction: the village. Someone may be able to share their insights. Some may have been able to spot the origin of this weird portal. Meanwhile Majar was complaining about the engineer's need to know about the why and the what. Even though he wimpered once, he bravely continued his monologue, Six attentively listening, soaking up every piece of information they could get. If they had known about witches from the past world, they would have cracked jokes about brooms and pointy hats but alas the earth has died and so had the past. Therefore, all these terms appeared new to them, at least somewhat new. Well, Majar subtly let them know that he actually thinks, he was smarter than the "avarage human" which caused Six to raise their eyebrows. Does not strike them as smart when he plummeted out of the sky, not even knowing where he landed and unable to defend himself (well except for his sharp tongue of course). What the witcher told them was largely left not commented. It was only information for them, information that will later be used to look for more clues.
"Show me your powers then. Ah... I forgot."
Another shit-eating grin. Man, it was so easy to poke a dead cow. Six was sure, they were the ones sent flying as soon as that bastard regains his power but this was a sacrifice they were willing to take right now. Luckily the roofs of the village appeared in the distance and gave them a reason to talk about something else.
"Now, you see we will stop at the village real quick to stock up on supplies. Maybe one of the residents has a hint for us or knows about the material of your shackles. It is best for you to stay close to me. Oh and... Try not to bitch at every walking human down there. They all have thin skin and tend to get angry rather quickly, m'kaaay?"

Angesprochen: Majar [@Inkawolke]
Erwähnt: //
code (c) Wächterstern | drawing (c) Inkawolke

About engies and pointy hats Bg3-baldur-s-gate-3
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CupidAnführerInformationenAnzahl der Beiträge : 945
Pfotenspuren : 373
Anmeldedatum : 20.06.20
Alter : 22

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Re: About engies and pointy hats   
[ 49234 ] Sa Sep 25, 2021 12:05 pm
Majarus the Great

"   Wisdom is Power and frankly, I am very powerful. "
x magic blocked x

The cocky dwarf really had the right words ready at every instance to produce the most disrespectful comments possible. They would incredibly lucky that Majar had better control over his violent tendencies than most men. Still, it was thin fucking ice.
The human finally picked up on the "shut up"-glare Majarus was giving them and reeled it back a little with an "I am kidding, I am kidding, relax." though obviously not without a little insult right after. "You have a lot of fucking nerve, Six Williams. I'm surprised your own crewmates have not fed you to the pigs yet."
He really did not see the puffhead ruling with an iron fist on this ship and they did not look strong either, so as to why anyone would put up with their shenanigan when murder was such an obvious solution, was a mystery to the witcher.
Tiny listened to his explanation mostly uncommented, except for a sarcastic appeal to see his powers, which was followed by an extremely punchable expression. Gladly would have Majar shown his powers to them in form of deep frying their brain to a crisp.
He spotted land approaching and the little captain also shared their plans with him. Said they would try to find out what material his shackles are made of and that he should not bitch around. "They're infused with scharan, but mainly made of either iron or silver. Maybe a mix. I just need a tool to break them without separating my hands from my body in the process", he said. Majarus was no blacksmith, but he keep updated with whatever witch-hunting methods were currently popular and right now humans seemed to think that iron and silver were repellents. And salt. He also once had a farmer throw garlic at him. Majar was honestly able to open a spice kitchen at this point. It was almost humorous.
"As long as they mind their own business, so can I", the mage gave as response to Six' peace plea. The man wasn't the type to start fights with strangers anyway, but he wasn't gonna tolerate disrespect either. With exception of this two-legged fox pup.

(Scharan is a fictional material, you don't need to try to look it up :'D)

About engies and pointy hats Harumaus-und-Rolo-ro
von Eule skjjsjkskjsksjjhdsjdhsjhdjs <33
• ☼ you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, please don't take my sunshine away ☼ •

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TaeEhemalige AnführerinInformationenAnzahl der Beiträge : 5429
Pfotenspuren : 2071
Anmeldedatum : 15.07.18
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[ 49241 ] Fr Okt 01, 2021 9:53 am
To see with eyes unclouded by hate.
#Creatorscut |      in the village

In the meantime Majar was doint his best to stab Six with piercing glances over and over again, them of course pretending to be absolutely oblivious to the whole odeal. He better gets used to their bright personality or otherwise Mr Grumpypants might indeed turn them into a pile of shit once he breaks free. His mumbled words once again proved what he actually thinks of them. If he had to choose between the engineer and an actual pile of crap, he would certainly choose the latter. Too bad they do not care about his feelings or the fact they hurt his pride. Well probably.
"Eh? To the pigs? No, they can be really effing glad that there is someone on this island who can distinguish left from right. I am not saying they are stupid, just... simple."
While it was not true that Six Williams was the only smart person on this island, most of the residents tended to keep to themselves and not think about the greater meaning of this floating rock and all its inhabitants. In a way they were a glowing diamond in a lump of coal.
"Besides... No one would be able to spot the mysterious creature other than me. Maybe you are not aware of the fact that I invented those floating ships and I bet my bum this is not the end of it, dear friend."
Weird flex at this point. Their crew mates learned to respect them because they respected them, simple as that. Six did not go around sprouting nonesens and giving others a hard time for not being able to comprehend science and supernatural materials. Most of those residents are glad that there is no monsterous unicorn walking around. Anyhow... Where did they leave off again?* Ah right... Walking into the village with their... prisoner? At least he seemed to cooperate.
"Well I have never heard of the first material, not going to lie. However, maybe our local blacksmith knows a thing or two about silver and iron, most certainly he does. But the tricky part is of course not ripping your hands out in the process. Can't you just, I dont know... Use magic to glue them on again or something like that?"
Odd request. The answer is probably no or otherwise Mr Grumpypants would have done so as soon as he had stepped foot on this island. Speaking of stepping foot, they finally landed near the village and it was time to find some answers. With one hand they grabbed their sledgehammer again and stepped off the boat, with the other hand they offered the mage some help in case he faceplants the ground affectionately.
"Well, that is fair, I suppose. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, eh?"
And with that they lead the way to the blacksmith.

Angesprochen: Majar [@Inkawolke]
Erwähnt: //
code (c) Wächterstern | drawing (c) Inkawolke

*ich kenn die Phrase nur mit left off, aber irgendwie macht das dann grammatikalisch keinen Sinn mehr? Hilfe? xD

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CupidAnführerInformationenAnzahl der Beiträge : 945
Pfotenspuren : 373
Anmeldedatum : 20.06.20
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Re: About engies and pointy hats   
[ 49266 ] Fr Okt 01, 2021 6:47 pm
( I think "leave off" is correct? idk either xD )

Majarus the Great

"   Wisdom is Power and frankly, I am very powerful. "
x magic blocked x

The mage fidgeted with the heavy rings at his wrist, but such would not budge by any inches. While the man might not be able to feel any pain, the shackles were still very tight and not very comfortable either. He could feel the metal rubbing against his bones, calling it unpleasant was an unstatement.
Six explained themselves by saying they were the only one with a braincell on this ship, meanwhile was too humble to admit their crewmate's stupidity though. Majar raised his eyebrows with a dry "Aha" at that statement. He glanced over at mentioned crewmates, but they harldy seemed offended by what the captain had to say about them. "Why, that's quite impressive. For a human, that is. What would that 'mysterious creature' be though?", the witcher responded and for a short moment even showed a little smile. In actuality inventing a floating ship was impressive regardless of race, but Majar did not want to give the little one too much praise, since an even higher ego would possibliy make their personality unbearable. "Also don't call me friend. We aren't", he added in a serious tone. Calling each other a buisness partner was already a stretch of Majar's grace. Relying on the help of a human... Ten would have laughed at him. So would've every other black mage. Embarassing.
The captain mentioned going to the local blacksmith. Majar nodded, he could tolerate that. Blacksmiths were pretty down to earth, by his experience at least. On the other hand they also loved talking about blades and weapons and armor all day long, which eventually always becomes a chore to listen to. With exception of his precious knife, he really had no use for such objects of violence. His mind and hands were all the weapons he needed. Well, usually.
"No, that's not how it works." He kept the response vague, as to not give away too much information about a potential weakness. Glueing hands back on might not be impossible, but doing proper magic without them would be.
They finally arrived at the island and like a real gentleman the tiny captain jumped out ahead and offered a hand to the mage. Such scoffed and frowned at them, then jumped out the boat by himself, without any problems or help needed. "Do I look like a princess to you? You can keep those filthy hands to yourself, thanks." He patted some dust off his purple attire, blew a strand of hair out of his face and crossed his arms in anticipation for the dwarf to lead the way. The witcher followed behind Six with a little distance, meanwhile looking around town and trying to see if there's any other significant differences to his own world.


About engies and pointy hats Harumaus-und-Rolo-ro
von Eule skjjsjkskjsksjjhdsjdhsjhdjs <33
• ☼ you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, please don't take my sunshine away ☼ •

Szenen & RelationsCandystore
About engies and pointy hats Cooltext457074922939120
TaeEhemalige AnführerinInformationenAnzahl der Beiträge : 5429
Pfotenspuren : 2071
Anmeldedatum : 15.07.18
Alter : 24

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Re: About engies and pointy hats   
[ 49289 ] Mo Okt 04, 2021 10:55 am
To see with eyes unclouded by hate.
#Creatorscut |      in the village

Aha. This was his only response, meaning Six can go and fuck themselves at least that is what they picked up from other social interactions so far. Majar could not contain himself as his narrow eyes leapt to their fellow crewmates, seemingly in awe that those men and women did not complain about such statements at the slightest. They of course know Six does not come from a hostile place, in their perception is it solely a questioin of observation, nothing more, nothing of value. Next the witcher wanted to know more of mentioned mystical creature. To be completely honest, the engineer themselves did not know too much about this animal (is it even an animal?), only lore and old folks tales which were not a very promising lead. But now they had the power of magic on their side, at least somewhat.
"You see, there are not only humans, angels and demons living on this island. Sometimes you are able to encounter other creatures deep in the woods or high up in the mountains. Legend has it that there is a dragon-like creature lurking somewhere. I have tried time and time again to discover it but so far it seems as if I ran out of luck. If I had any to begin with."
Six shrugs. Maybe this witcher knows more about such animal-like things.
"Man, seems like you have to learn a thing or two about humans, mate."
Was he always that grumpy? The engineer started to pity his followers or friends - if he had any - in the world he came from. How could anyone put up with that attitude? One wrong word and this dude felt the urge to correct one immediately. Weird.

Patiently Majar explained that this was not how his magic worked. Well how did it work then? Mr Grumpypants never specifified and at this point Six feared another hissfit from this manchild. As a response, they just shrugged again. No powers, no punishing priviledge.
As Six left their ship and offered their hand, the witcher's frown just seemed to deepen. Okay. That's it. The engineer has been nothing but friendly to this invader so far but now they are contemplating to turn his head into red jelly.
"As my brother would like to put it: I will shove them up your goddamn ass if you do not drop this nasty attitude of yours."
For all they care he could be laying down face first in a dirty puddle and they would not bat an eye. Sure, his help when trying to find this "dragon" would be greatly appreciated but they will not bend over backwards just to not offend this manchild. They are fed up.

Angesprochen: Majar [@Inkawolke]
Erwähnt: //
code (c) Wächterstern | drawing (c) Inkawolke

Where did Six' drawing go

About engies and pointy hats Bg3-baldur-s-gate-3
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CupidAnführerInformationenAnzahl der Beiträge : 945
Pfotenspuren : 373
Anmeldedatum : 20.06.20
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Re: About engies and pointy hats   
[ 49299 ] Mo Okt 04, 2021 10:47 pm
Majarus the Great

"   Wisdom is Power and frankly, I am very powerful. "
x magic blocked x

The sailor tried giving Majar some information about the creatures, seemed to also know disappointingly little about the. The witcher sighed quietly, for a moment he had almost been exited to finally get some interesting lore about this place. Perhaps it was his own fault for putting his hopes into this tiny creature. Though they did call them dragon-like, so that might be something to go off of.
"Hm, at least where I'm from dragons will also mostly avoid humanoids. Which might be a good thing though. Noone wants to deal with a rampant dragon, not even I", he said and shrugged. Majarus had seen dragons up close before, but not in a fight luckly. A witch's fiddling with magic was but a laughing stock to giant creatures, who has been wiedling it for centuries. A dark mage like Majar would have a bit of a chance, but nonetheless it wasn't a desireable enemy.
"Man, seems like you have to learn a thing or two about humans, mate." The witcher paused his thoughts about dragons for a moment to look at them. Me? Learn about humans?? Silly kid, I was raised by them. He almost laughed out loud at the captain's words, but contained himself to only show a short, inconspicuous smirk. Of course the little human had no way of knowing that. For a moment the man considered if humans in this strange world might just be inherently different. But a quick look back at the ship peasants negated that idea.

Six and Majar barely had even arrived on land when the man's rejecting comment finally took the nerve out of the little one. Eventhough they had been the one doing the teasing all this time! Majarus let out a short offended laugh and put one hand on his hip, using the other to gesture. "I have a nasty attitude?! Who's the one acting like a desperate jester here?!" Curse these stupid shackles! Having to rely on someone's help SUCKED and especially when it was coming from this little shit gremlin, whom seemed to see this as one big clown act. Though for once, the little jest seemed to be serious. Seriously upset, that is. Good! They should be.

idk already been gone for a while tho

About engies and pointy hats Harumaus-und-Rolo-ro
von Eule skjjsjkskjsksjjhdsjdhsjhdjs <33
• ☼ you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, please don't take my sunshine away ☼ •

Szenen & RelationsCandystore
About engies and pointy hats Cooltext457074922939120
TaeEhemalige AnführerinInformationenAnzahl der Beiträge : 5429
Pfotenspuren : 2071
Anmeldedatum : 15.07.18
Alter : 24

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Re: About engies and pointy hats   
[ 49398 ] Di Okt 12, 2021 11:03 pm
To see with eyes unclouded by hate.
#Creatorscut |      in the village

Ever so suddenly Majarus the Great seemed to be Majarus the Bored. What was wrong this time? Wrong tonation? Not exiting enough? Their new guest seemed to be incredibly picky and hard to please. Well, good fucking thing Six ain't running a goddamn hotel. If he did not like it here, he can go back to where he came from. Except that he could not. What a shame. At least the Bored seemed to know a thing or two about dragons. Had he ever seen one with his own two eyes? He told Six, they would avoid humanoids and not even the witcher wanted to deal with them. Double shame. Just when things got interesting. But hey, apparently their worlds were vastly different so there may be hope.
If it was not for the dude strinking the engineer as an absolute puss.
Of course did Six respect nature and all its inhabitants but it was as they said: Curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back. They just had to explore all of this world. Because what if great terror looms?
"But aren't you curious, though? Maybe those dragonlike creatures are different from the ones you know. Besides, you are able to use magic."

Six was still thinking about this peculiar smirk Majar shot them. What was he planning or thinking? It seems as if his social skills were rather rusty, no shame in admitting that. That manthing probably has troubled admitting his wrongdoings or flaws.
At least their confrontation made Six take their mind off the meaning behind this knowing smile. And when this idiot opened his mouth, their expression for once turned stone cold. According to this so called witcher, the engineer started this drama. Of course they did. Man, if looks could kill, the Bored would be a dead man by now.
"Ah, my bad for offering a helping hand to a desperate traveler, really, I am so goddamn sorry for hurting your fragile feelings there. Apparently the word humour does not exist in your vocabulary. I am really starting to feel sorry for your fellow companions in case you even have some."
They lifted their sledgehammer and took a step towards the coward. With the tip of their weapon they gently nudged his chin.
"Don't you are underestimate me."
And with that they kicked him square in the chest, feeling victorious. Well not until two strong hands grabbed their ankles to drag them with him into the endless abyss.
God FUCKING damnit.

Angesprochen: Majar [@Inkawolke]
Erwähnt: //
code (c) Wächterstern | drawing (c) Inkawolke

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